Install the library

The easiest way to install FlyingKoala is via pip:

pip install FlyingKoala


  • xlwings, koala2==0.0.31, pandas, numpy

Optional Dependencies

The FlyingKoala supplied modules which have no extra dependencies.

  • Horticulture
  • Time Series

These packages are required for using some of the FlyingKoala modules.

  • Accounting
    • pyopenxl
    • python-harvest-redux==5.0.0b0
  • Energy
    • datetime
    • timezonefinder
    • pytz
    • pvlib

These packages are not required but highly recommended as they play very nicely with xlwings.

  • Matplotlib
  • Pillow/PIL

Install the add-in

The trouble with installing this one is the element of “it depends”. The punchline is the add-in needs to be placed where your add-ins go.

Until we can arrange a script that figures it out for us we will need to do it by hand.

Copy the addin\flyingkoala.xlam to;

Here: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns

Or here: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART

Sometimes there’s an XLSTART in your home directory.

It could well be somewhere else… (especially if you’re on a Mac)

If you got through the add-in install and are following the example bouncing ball, next up is Using FlyingKoala.